Monday, October 29, 2007

How would you go about getting our youngest voters engaged in the electoral process?

This is a good question! Since the voting age was lowered to 18, the percentage of those voters have gone down steadily until Bill Clinton saw a spike in '92. We all know that seniors (not hs seniors, but those age 62+) vote in high numbers, but what's up with the 18-24 year olds??? I introduced legislation in my first term to allow voter registration forms to be placed in high schools and included with hs senior info packets.

That year the Rs were in the majority in the State House and they killed the bill. One Rep said, "We don't need to make it any easier than it already is"...

Those seeking public office need to spend time with that voting block and give them a compelling reason to cast a vote! With the federal administration's cuts to financial aid and favoritism of Sally Mae, college students have a stake in these elections!

What are your thoughts? Add to comments in this thread...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Welcome to the new edition of my blog!

Last month I ended my campaign for U.S. Congress and chose to pursue opportunities in the private sector, especially my work with Pathways to Leadership, Inc. You can read the press release at my website:

This blog will be updated as questions are submitted and as I get the urge to share my comments on issues, events, and leadership. Welcome and Ask Me Anything!

This blog will be viewed by people of all ages, including young people so please keep your questions clean... this site is rated PG!

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